Resolution on Striking Workers (Amended and Adopted at the August 21, 2019 General Membership Meeting)

United Working Families Resolution on Striking Workers

Adopted at the August 21, 2019 General Membership Meeting


Guided by: Our vision for a city and a state that provides for the many, not just the wealthy few.

Recognizing: that the working people of Chicago are under attack from a system of social and economic exploitation.

Recognizing that a pathway to economic freedom is by workers striking. Many workers, including teachers, paraprofessionals, park district employees, nursing home, hospital, homecare, childcare and hotel workers are primarily women of color and striking is a tool for women to maintain financial independence. 

Recognizing that taking action in solidarity with striking workers will improve the lives of the workers and their families and continue to push for what is politically possible for everyone. 

Whereas, We adopt the following strategy to guide our political and organizing work over the course of this fall where unions may strike to improve working and living conditions for workers. 

  1. STRONG UNION CONTRACTS IMPROVES QUALITY OF LIFE FOR WORKERS: For years, we have fought statewide and federal battles to keep collective bargaining rights for workers. There are direct correlations between strong unions and a higher quality of life. 

  2. UNION POWER CAN WIN DEMANDS FOR THE WHOLE COMMUNITY: Bosses for years have advocated for contracts to only be about pay and benefits but we know through organizing, our community can gain much more (ie. affordable housing, sanctuary, etc). 

Therefore, upon a strike authorization vote by union membership, we commit to taking action in solidarity with striking workers on the picket line, as they fight for a fair contract that improves the quality of life for their families and the entire community, and we will provide guidelines for sympathizers to offer support.